Monday, October 5, 2009

To Florida and Back, part 3

Last installment of the Florida trip...

September 10th:
Magic Kingdom day.  What can I say?  Maybe I'm bias, but Disneyland is way better.  We got there early, like an hour before the gates open.  As you can tell, there aren't many cars driving into the parking lot that early.
We rode just about every ride, some we rode twice.  I like Disneyland better.  But, to my disadvantage, the 2 parks are laid out identically.  So I knew my way around.  And so concludes Disney World.

We went to The Wine Room, which was the one thing that I absolutely wanted to, had to do while we were in Orlando.  It was so cool!  Chris and I want to open a place like it.  Hey, one, or two, can dream!  Dinner was at Dennis' sisters house.  She made an excellent Puerta Rican Stew.  I'm waiting for the recipe.  We were back at his parent's house around 10pm.

September 11th:  Last full day on the Tampa side.  We drove around some with the 'rents then they turned us loose.  We drove to the closest beach the GPS would take us to...
Insert "Picnic Beach".  In the industrial area of Tampa Bay.  I stepped in the water.  It felt like the temp of a bathtub.  So much warmer than it's west coast counterpart.

We went home where Dennis had to take a conference call for work.  Then we went to dinner at a Latin market.  My eyes were not as big as my stomach and I ended up splitting a stuffed bell pepper (still heavy and rich) with Dennis.  I was full.  We beat the storm home, just in time for the power to be out for an hour.  And in time to see the crack of lightening and hear the thunder roar while the rain came down.  Loved it, except there was no cool breeze, still just hot air.  It let up.  We went to a Super Wal-Mart.  Dennis got his hair cut.  We bought ice cream.  It was good.

September 12th:  Back to Orlando for one more night of vacation.  Early lunch with the parents, sister, and nephew.  Then the 'rents left to drive home.
(Please note, this will be the last picture you will ever see of Dennis on here again.  I promise.  More on that sometime later.)

We dropped Jeannette off at work, drove around downtown Orlando, picked up Jeannette, had dinner at Urban Flats (very good flat bread pizzas!), then went back to her house for one more night of Guitar Hero.

September 13th:  Off to the airport at 6:30am.  Flight left at 8:30am.  Slept half of the 5 1/2 hour flight.  Landed in Seattle at 11am.  Accidentally went out of the security area so had to go back through the security gate.  Oops.  Had lunch.  Waited til 1pm for my flight to Sacramento to boarded.  By 3:10pm I was back in lovely, non-humid California.  Chris and Colleen picked me up at 4pm, and I was home sweet home just shy of 6pm.

And so concludes my Florida vacation.  Maybe you noticed the lack of emotion during the trip posts, maybe that was because there was a lack of emotion during the trip.  Not from me, from my travel partner.  And so the story goes.

Any questions?

1 comment:

Mel said...

Wonderful Story!! I loved every rivitting momment! It felt like I was there...HA HA!! I do want to hear more about why your traveling partner was so un-emotional and why he is out of the picture for good.